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Happy New Year!

Should we make some conclusions regarding this year? Do you usually sum up the passed year? Do you make plans for the upcoming year? Please, write in the comment section!

When it comes to me, I have to say that I did not really make either any conclusions or upcoming plans. I was pathetically moving on from one day to another. And I thought this is the way. Yet, I was enviously observing people getting more and more achievements each year. Those people were hardworking, so was I. The difference was that they set a clear goal and developed the precise plan. I did not realized it at that point. Maybe more than that, I was subconsciously afraid to fail. When you have a goal and you fail, it hurts. On the opposite, when you don’t have an action plan, nothing can go wrong.

Year 2019 is the first time in my entire life, when I wrote exact goals. I had the list of things, both big and small, which I wanted to accomplish by the end of the year. Do you know what? 99 % of the plan went wrong. I just didn’t get there. At all. I could be wise and philosophical about it, but I am a normal person, and I felt bad. Then, I remembered the famous saying by Winston Churchill “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm”.

And here is my own interpretation:

Many things failed this year. F@#Β£k it. New year – new beginning! 😜

Happy New Year, my friends! πŸŽ„πŸΎ Let your wishes come true!


To end the post with a more positive vibe than I started, I want to share the masterpiece I created in 2016. ☺️

22 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. A selfie in snowβ€”now I’ve seen everything (?) (!) (cute, though).

    Happy New Year, Miss Elenka β€” and keep at it with those lists; such a lovely feeling when you can tick em off as completed!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy New Year, Elenka! You ask some very poignant questions here. I usually don’t make a recap list. And I don’t usually make a written list of my goals, but I probably should.

    I do, however, spend considerable time thinking about my goals, where I am and where I want to go. I guess I have my “mental list”. But hey, life throws us curve ball frequently. I think what is important is this. Do you feel like you are getting what you want out of your life? Are you happy and fulfilled?

    I can say this. I truly enjoy your blog posts. You are a good story teller, and you make me smile. So, you are at least making 1 person feel happier, and very few people can say that.


    1. I agree, having a list won’t make things predictable. And everything may change in a moment. It is good to live in the moment, rather than chasing the future.
      Thank you for kind words! I am happy to hear that you like my posts!


      1. You are welcome, Elena. Yes, I always enjoy your posts. Keep writing, and as I have said before, if you make it to the US, let me know. I might be able to give you some guidance, especially here in the western US. You are most definitely welcome to be a guest here anytime.

        Liked by 1 person

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