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St. Basil Cathedral, Moscow 

In this post, I will introduce the most colorful and beautiful building of Red Square – St. Basil’s Cathedral. The cathedral was build in the 16th century, but it was restructured several times which made it so special and unique.

It is a big luck that St. Basil cathedral, located in the politically significant place, survived the Soviet Union times, when religious was illegal and when the churches were closed or even ruined. Now, the building is very well-maintained and it welcomes tourists from all over the world. ☺

Picture from my Instagram

13 thoughts on “St. Basil Cathedral, Moscow 

  1. Gorgeous! I hope to visit Moscow some day. This church reminds me of one I saw in St. Petersburg last year nicknamed “Church of the Spilled Blood” because it was where King Alexander II was shot. The colorful onion domes are so beautiful! Also, I recently did a jigsaw puzzle of St. Basil, but I didn’t know the name of the church. If you have a chance, check out the posts I wrote about St. Petersburg on my blog,

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